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Revealed, This Is the Reason Why Pirate's one of eyes were closed

Pirates are the name for criminals who carry out robberies in the middle of the sea. The era of pirate glory occurs when sea lanes are still the main route in trade or traffic between countries.

Uniquely, each pirate leader is always depicted with a characteristic that is closing one eye. So why do pirates wear eye patches? Is it just for style?

If you've never seen firsthand what a pirate leader looks like, maybe you can watch some pirate-themed films. In almost every film, pirates are always portrayed as a dashing old man whose eyes are closed.

Some say if an pirate's eye is injured during a fight. Or there are also those who say that it is only a characteristic of a pirate. Well, there are actually scientific reasons behind pirates wearing eye patches.

So, the reason why pirates wear eye patches is light. Yes, maybe you will be a little confused. How come light can cause a pirate to cover one eye.

In ancient times, pirate ships had not been equipped with a lighting system like now. As a result, pirate ships do not have lights.

The inside of the ship will be very dark or only get a little light. Different situations occur on the upper deck of the ship that receives a lot of sunlight so it is very bright.

The human eye itself takes 10 minutes to adapt from a very dark place to a very bright place.

To overcome this, a pirate will usually close one eye so that he can quickly adapt.

Not all pirates wear eye patches, but because it has become a trademark, then every movie or scene that raises a pirate figure, the pirate will wear an eye cover.
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