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Collection of Ways to Make Unique Writing on WhatsApp (Thick, Italic, Reverse, Colored etc.)

WhatsApp, which has been released since 2009, is known as the most popular chat application in the world today. With the advantages of multi-platform, now WhatsApp is not just for chatting, but can do various activities in it.

Instead of chatting you are crisp, here I tell you 8 ways to create unique posts on WhatsApp that you must try guys!

Here's 8 Ways to Make Unique Posts on WhatsApp!

WhatsApp introduces features to make various forms of writing, ranging from bold writing, italic writing, strikethrough writing, color writing and many more unique writing models that you can use.

Besides that you also have to try a number of ways below to make your writing more unique when chatting on WhatsApp. Do you want to know how?

1. How to Make Thick Posts on WhatsApp (Bold)

First, you can make bold writing, aka Bold, in the WhatsApp application. Bold fonts like this are usually used to express a statement that is considered important and must be given special emphasis.

To change it, you can add an asterisk (*) in front of and behind the WhatsApp message that you want to send.

2. How to Make Italicized Posts on WhatsApp (Italic)

In addition, you can also add italics which are usually used to indicate foreign statements.

To add Italic writing, you can just give an underscore (_) both in front of and behind the writing.

3. How to Make Middle Scribble Posts on WhatsApp (Strikethrough)

Generally Strikethrough-style writing, aka strikethrough, is used to indicate revisions and corrections to a statement in a chat.

You can use the tilde (~) both at the beginning and end of the text you want to send on WhatsApp.

4. How to Make Different Font Writing on WhatsApp (Monospace)

Not only the default fonts on Android and WhatsApp, you can also add other font types when chatting! By using Monospace or FixedSys fonts, the WhatsApp text will look like the writing of a computer code guys.

To try it, you just add the apostrophe () sign three times both at the beginning and at the end of the writing.

5. How to Make Reverse Posts on WhatsApp (Upside Down)

You can do one of the steps of the WhatsApp hack to work on your friends. By sending WhatsApp chat with inverted writing, of course your friend will be upset when reading it.

Of course to use this unique text, you need an additional Android application called Upside Down (Flip Text). Here's an easy way to use it.
  • First, you must download the Upside Down (Flip Text) application on Google Play.
  • When entering the application, you just enter normal writing in the upper column. Automatically, the results will be visible at the bottom.
  • Next, just copy and paste the WhatsApp guys chat. It's easy, right?

6. How to make freak posts on WhatsApp (Fancy Font)

For those of you who like freak while doing WhatsApp chat, you must try various alay fonts to make your conversation even more exciting!

Previously, you must install the Fancy Text (For Chat) application to create unique posts on WhatsApp. You can follow the steps below!
  • You can download and install the Fancy Font (For Chat) application through Google Play.
  • Next open the application and select Fancy Text. In the Enter Text Here column, you enter the text you want to send, then choose which text you want to send.
  • Tap on one of the writing styles and select WhatsApp to start forwarding messages to your friends or groups.

7. Cara Membuat Chat Kosong di WhatsApp (Empty Chat)

Then, have you ever been bullied when a friend sent a blank chat on WhatsApp? Even without using characters or signs like dots though guys.

In fact, to do this, a special application called Empty is needed which actually serves to send empty messages.
  • First you can download and install the Empty application on Google Play.
  • Open the application, you just simply tap the Send button to send it directly to your WhatsApp contact guys.

8. Cara Membuat Tulisan Berwarna dan bergaya di WhatsApp

To make it you must have a Text Art application first. This application is quite popular which is used to make text colorful on social media platforms, such as WhatsApp, LINE, Telegram and others.
  • For that, you can download the Text Art application from Google Play. After successfully installed, you can enter the application.
  • Next, you type the desired text in the Submit Text column and select OK when it's finished. Later you will be taken to the editor's page, starting from changing the letters, font colors, letters, and many others.
  • After you finish editing the text as desired, you can choose the Send to WhatsApp menu that is above the right of the Text Art application. Later you can send the writing to other Whatsapp users.
The final word

Now that's the way he makes unique writing on WhatsApp using various methods. This way, you can be more varied in chatting and make it crisp! Have other suggestions? Come share in the comments column.
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